social media story

Social Media Stories

Facebook and Instagram stories are broadening the volume and type of content that social media pages can present. When you add a photo or video to your story, it will be visible for just 24 hours, making it less of a commitment than a full post. Despite being available for just a limited period of time, your story is a great way to interact with your followers. 

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social media for branding

Use Social Media Marketing to Boost Your Brand

In the crowded online market, those with the best marketing and uprising above the rest. With the proliferation and popularity of social media, marketing can be easier and more effective than ever. But why is social media marketing so important, and why should you find an excellent team to head your social media marketing efforts?

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email marketing

Email Marketing To Support Your Business

Email marketing is overlooked all too often by businesses looking to connect with current and potential clients. While we’re always looking for the next “big thing” in marketing, email campaigns are a tried-and-true method. This marketing tactic will produce real results for your company, both now and in the future. 

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website design for traffic

How Website Design Can Boost Traffic

For many websites and online businesses, traffic is like lifeblood. After all, the more traffic you can maintain, the higher your chances of consistent lead generation and sales. On the flip side, insufficient traffic means that your content and products aren’t being properly proliferated and your business may suffer.

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facebook ads

Facebook Ads For Businesses

There are over two billion (and counting) Facebook users in the world today. The enormous scope of this social media platform is a major benefit for businesses looking to expand their ad strategies. But, as with any marketing venture, it’s important to weigh Facebook’s value to businesses, especially given the breadth of social media platforms in our modern world. 

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google penguin

How Google’s Algorithm Impacts Your SEO Strategy

Link building is one of the main strategies used today for search engine optimization. It involves getting links back to your own website established on other websites. The idea is that when other websites encourage their own visitors to head over to your site, it boosts your reputability and, ultimately, your ranking in the major search engines. 

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Strengthen Your SEO Campaign With Link Building

SEO isn’t all about keyword optimization. There are several known strategies for bumping up your website’s rank on the major search engines to increase traffic. Link building is one of these strategies, and while it’s not as commonly understood as keyword optimization, it can give your digital marketing campaign an enormous boost. Here, we’ll cover the basics of link building so that you can consider incorporating it in your website’s marketing plan. 

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google ranking

Inside Google’s Website Ranking System

Google’s website ranking system can seem like an enigma when you’re fighting to boost your site’s visibility and traffic. Why do some websites appear center stage in Google searches, while others are buried tens or hundreds of pages back?

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online marketing

Building Your Online Presence: Where to Start

For any business, an online marketing strategy is a must. Social media platforms, blogs, and search engine results are central to consumers across all industries, which further underlines the need for your business to maintain an online presence.

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social media

How Often to Post on Social Media Platforms

Modern online marketing hinges on social media to build a follower base and boost company awareness. While the task of maintaining your company’s social media accounts may sound straightforward, there are many nuances to consider in social media management. From your existing follower base to your business size and your ultimate marketing goals, multiple factors should be incorporated into your social media strategy.

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