Top 3 Do’s and Don’ts for Designing Your Website

A well-designed website is an absolutely worthwhile investment that will generate revenue for your business. However, potential customers won’t explore a site if they think it looks bad so, if your website hasn’t been updated in a while, it could be turning people away at the door of your business.

Designing your website

Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing a website that will keep your business website as inviting as your own front door!

#1 Color Scheme

Don’t Make It Too Colorful

Using all kinds of different colors will make your website design clash. Colors have a strong psychological impact and they will affect how people see your brand.

The rule of thumb says your design should not use more than three colors and if you already have a company logo or brand pallet, the colors you should use are fairly obvious. With that being said…

Do Use Colors That Reflect Your Brand

Your website’s colors should complement your content, and visually delight viewers. Avoid selecting random colors just based on what you think is eye-catching. Instead, think about your brand and your audience.

If you have one color in mind but are looking for ones to complement it, there are plenty of online resources that let you plug in a color and find which colors will mesh well with it to make your site easy on the eyes.

#2 Block Text

Don’t Fill the Page With Long Paragraphs

You don’t want the design to be cluttered with large blocks of text. Most people will not read much past the first few sentences and, if they can’t find what they’re looking for, they will almost certainly click off and look elsewhere

Do Make Your Text Easily Scannable

The best chance you’ll get people to read all the way to the bottom is by making your paragraphs scannable. Use frequent headings, bullets points, and some bold/italicized words to emphasize the most important points and draw eyes to them.

#3 Images

Don’t Use Too Many Images

Too many images will drown out any text on your page and generally clutter it up. You should use images sparingly and impactfully. Also, keep in mind that search engines can’t read images very well, so don’t rely on them to convey text.

An excess of large images (over 1 MB) will slow down your website’s load time as well. Nothing will make someone frustratingly give up on a webpage than long loading times, so try to stick to only a few small images to add flair to it.

Do Make It Visually Attractive

People tend to think visually, and images are a great way to display your company’s message. Find ones that are visually attractive, high resolution and not clearly pixelated. More and more businesses are hiring graphic designers to edit images to make them look as quality as possible for their webpage.

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