QR Codes

QR Codes

QR Code

By now you’ve probably come across QR codes, the square bar-code images used on coupons, websites, business cards, and other marketing materials. QR stands for “Quick Response,” and all one needs to scan a QR code is a free app on a smartphone.  They seem to have caught on, with stores using them to provide shoppers with instant savings or info on a product, manufacturers using them on coupons, and businesses using them on their marketing materials.

What can you put on a QR code?  You can make it link to your website, or show some text, or show your contact info which people can then easily save on their phones.  Creating a QR code is pretty easy, with several websites offering it for free.  You’ll need to play around with the size of the QR code, depending on whether you’re using it in print or online, and on how much info your code stores.

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