
Google makes major change in search ranking algorithms

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In response to ongoing complaints that search results do not often yield the highest quality websites first, Google announced that they it some modifications to its search algorithms.  The result of this change is supposed to be more websites with original, quality content ranking higher.  Insiders say that sites such as eHow typically rank highly, but offer shallow and lower quality content, and in a rare public admission of fallibility, Google made this change and announcement.

So this proves what we’ve been saying all along: that “Quality is King” when it comes to SEO.  If you want your site to rank, the most important thing you can do is have quality, original content that real visitors will find interesting, and this will have a natural affect in improving your search engine ranking.  Spamming your site with key words won’t work – even if it helps your site rank, visitors will be turned off.  Keep the focus on quality content!

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