E-mail marketing is an extremely effective way to get in front of your prospects, send a message, and eventually turn some of those prospects into customers. It is among my favorite forms of advertising, because it’s a subtle way to get your message to them – no gatekeeper, no annoying phone call interrupting their day. If they don’t want to read it right away, they can leave the e-mail in their inbox for later. Here are some ideas for an effective e-mail marketing campaign.
Send monthly e-mails. Vary the length – some can be newsletters, some more like flyers, but in general keep them short and to the point. Some companies send weekly e-newsletters – for me, that’s too many – but it may work in some circumstances.
Offer something other than a sales pitch. Don’t just be selling, selling, selling. Offer your readers some interesting information, some free advice, some educational material. A link to an interesting website works. If you give value, this will make your e-mail more likely to be read, so when you do send something a bit salesy, you increase the chances that it eill be read too.
Always have links to your website. Your e-mail newsletter or flyer should always include links to your website, blog, and e-mail address.
Use contests or interesting surveys. Contests motivate people to action. Try a creative contest or survey.
Include a coupon or special. Give your readers an incentive to call or e-mail you.
Give these a try! Want to subscribe to our newsletter? Call me at 1-800-250-8233 and I’ll sign you up.