5 Powerful Ecommerce Success Tips

ecommerse websiteIf you sell products or services online, then you have an ecommerce business. From baby products, to health foods, to beard gels – you name it and you can probably find it on an ecommerce site. You build a website, put yourself and products out there, then viola! You’re rolling in dough! If only it were that simple. If you’re thinking about starting an ecommerce site, or if your current online business isn’t doing so well, read on for some useful ecommerce success tips.

Clear Policy Statement – As a consumer, few things are as frustrating as hidden conditions or obstacles. Provide easy-to-access policy and procedure information including details about shipping, returns, customer service hours and contact information, and anything else that will cut down on customer questions and complaints. You might even include a FAQ page.

Easy Product/Service Access – Make browsing your various items and services as easy as possible by adding search options for things like price, ratings, sizes, availability – basically anything you would expect if you were looking for these things yourself. If you’re not sure, Google Keyword Tool can help you find the leading search terms related to your products/services.

High-Quality Photos – One of the most important things you need on your ecommerce site are quality pictures of the products you sell. Who wants to buy something without seeing it first? These photos should be great quality with the ability to be enlarged for a full effect. For even better results, show the product from all angles so the consumer really gets a feel for what they are buying.

Detailed Product Descriptions – True, a picture is worth a thousand words. But, a photo doesn’t always do justice to your products. A simple 75 to150-word description gives you opportunity to really promote your products and include any specific selling points that might not be apparent by a photo alone.

Make Buying Easy and Safe – Even if you have the best products out there, if your consumer can’t find their way to check-out, they will leave. Create eye-catching call to action buttons that say things like buy now, order here, or download here. These buttons should lead to well-crafted – and secure – shopping carts.

Some of these things might seem simple, but you’d be surprised at how many overlook these easy but effective details. Often times, it’s little things like these that can mean the difference between an ecommerce site that soars and one that crashes before it ever leaves the ground.

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