Boost Your PR Using Interactive Content

interactive contentAre you having difficulty getting noticed? If your brand is sinking in a sea of adds, you might feel your business is about to take its last breath. But luckily for you, we’re about to throw you a PR life preserver, through the use of interactive content!

Advertisements are everywhere, and your customers are getting great at seeing past all the hype. The best way to reach them isn’t by throwing more of the same at them, but by being different and really engaging your potential customer. The best way to do this? Interactive Content.

What is Interactive Content?

Interactive content, also known as active content or interactive media, is pretty much what it sounds like. Instead of using only text to transmit an idea, interactive content makes the viewer part of the conversation using things like animated images, internet polls, and streaming video. Coke-a-Cola grabbed this bull by the horns not too long ago with their “Share a Coke” campaign, for example. put together a great article about interactive content, explaining what it is and why it’s important if you want you’re brand to get noticed. Here are some interesting statistics they show:

  • Your customers process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.
  • 80% of online customers watch video ads.
  • Articles with images receive 94% more views.
  • 93% of marketers stand by interactive content as an effective tool for educating customers.

How do I Use Interactive Content?

There are many ways to incorporate interactive content into your marketing strategy. For now, let’s consider this idea in terms of your business website. First, don’t neglect the importance of your blogging and other content efforts. Great content is still very important because it lets viewers know who you are and helps Google recognize your website as an authority. And let’s face it, a website full of too much interactive media would be a busy mess – but just enough can work wonders! Here are some examples:

  • Imbedded YouTube videos
  • Interactive Infographics
  • Puzzles and quizzes
  • Calculators
  • Contests
  • Interactive e-books
  • Live chats and troubleshooting tools

Interactive marketing can save your PR strategy because it’s centered around building relationships with your customers by engaging them in conversation that leads to immediate sales. Great for your website and your social media networks, interactive content might offer the solutions you need for a much-needed PR boost!

Get Started with Interactive Content Marketing!

Would you like to learn more about integrating video, quizzes, interactive infographics and more into your current website or social media page? The digital marketing gurus at Watt-Media are happy to answer your questions and help you build a powerful, customer-friendly PR strategy!

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